Apr 272016

This is the final configuration of the Red Cube.  Steel fittings have been added.  It’s about 1/4 inch away from the exhaust heat shield which should be fine.


Getting these two adel clamps installed was not fun.  They keep the fuel line from rubbing on the intake tube.  It’s not touching the nearest intake tube, just a weird camera angle and it doesn’t need to be supported there.


I want a vernier mixture so I can run LOP with precision so I determined where it should be based on cable length and made a stout standoff in the same material as the inner standoff (which you can barely see through the lightening hole.


It’s not the prettiest and of course the cable and bracket are visible in the cockpit, but it’s functional and sturdy.  I’m still going to have to buy a two lever control assembly or maybe just the top of it.


 Posted by at 4:58 PM