Apr 122020

Ken and Randy (both RVers with beautiful planes) and another airport bum helped me mount both wings. Took about 15 minutes for both wings. Mounting is easy if you have one person in the plane watching the spar and the alignment and three on the wing. Greased the temp bolts and everything looks great. Thanks guys, I appreciate it.

I spent the entire following day working on aligning the wings and drilling the rear spar and getting the first flap top cut. The wings are identical in incidence and forward sweep is perfect. The only discrepancy is that they are .1 degree (1/10 degree) out from the longerons. I can live with that. Thanks Duane, Ken, Randy and airport bum for your help. I still need to drill and ream to final size but it’s on enough to get the rest of the wing stuff completed like fuel lines, wing-fueslage skin overlap drilled, tank attach bracket and fuel tank vent exit.

The right flap top cut to fit. The template Vans supplies in the plans is close but you need to cut slightly more than 1/4″ more than specified on the aft portion. This gets covered by the flap fuselage fairing so you don’t have to be perfect, but it helps. At this point the flaps stick down 1/8″ when up which is pretty darn good.

 Posted by at 12:49 PM