Dec 282016

You can see the slice I made in the airbox.  Just a little tweaking will make this fit perfectly.  I’ve bonded the filter holder and the airbox with a fiberglass/flox mixture.  Good day to do it as it was 70+ degrees this fine December 23rd.

Picture was taken mid stream before I had all four sides floxed.

The vertical piece here is the baffle that goes around the prop governor.  You are supposed to remove the governor cable bracket, and hence the governor screws (which are safetied) each time you want to install the left forward baffle.  Nope.  Instead of riveting the two pieces together I added nutplates and made it removable.

View of the three cables and fresh air vent.  Looks like it will all fit without a bunch of interference.

 Posted by at 7:23 AM