While my engine is being built I tended to a few details, one of which is my smoke system. First consideration was that it had to fit in the 8’s forward baggage specifically in the vertical space on the right side. I wanted the top level with the baggage floor so I could still place light items on top of it. Secondly, it needed to be removable.

There is a one inch vertical seam and a seperate top and bottom. I made use of the space by making the top part wider than the bottom. I fabricated a cardboard replica and made sure it fit and that it was removable. It’s tight and the dimensions may have changed slightly from the drawing above. I calculated the capacity at 3.55 gallons.

Post aluminum manipulation pictures and unrivetted.

I riveted the top, bottom and side with wet proseal. This photo shows the Vans tank access backing plate installed and a Vans tank filler prosealed in place.

Ample amount of proseal was slathered in each crack. As mentioned all seams were riveted in place with wet proseal. 6 or 7 of the seam rivets are pulled rivets because the squeezer could not reach and it’s just easier (lazy).

Tank placed in the baggage hold. Fits well. It should be noted that it needs to be placed ‘head first’ and at a downward angle then flipped into the baggage recess.

I’m using a 190 psi submerged fuel pump in the tank. The white bag on the right is the filter. High pressure hose connects the the AN fitting tee at the top. A standard Vans brake reservoir vent and reservoir dog (not shown) lets the tank breath.

Spring and ball bearing pressure relief valve attached to the tee. I purchased a few springs until I found one capable of opening at 35-40 psi.

The whole contraption with aluminum angle retainer assembled in the baggage compartment. I tested the flow and noted .8 gph with water. My pressure relief valve is adjustable so that’s pretty good. Measured tank capacity is 3.5 gallons so my hasty calculations were not too far off. ๐