May 302015

Pops showed up day before yesterday to help me work on the plane for 3 weeks.  Certainly can use all the help.  First, it was off to Harbor Freight for a bending brake.  This is a 36 inch brake for about $250.


Next it was on to an avionics shelf.  There is so little room and I’ve got a lot of remote mounted stuff so a shelf will help.   The front edge will be held up with an angle of .060 or better tied to the fuselage skin on each side.  The front of the shelf has integral nutplates to hold a wire bundle and is supported with an section of angle running all the way across.  It’s only 6.75 inches deep so that there is no interference with the antenna and wires on the back of the GDUs.  Lightening holes drilled to allow wire bundles to pass.  I won’t rivet this in place until I have too.

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 Posted by at 3:25 PM