Dec 272015

Mom and Dad, David and Kaye, Michelle and Wes were on hand this morning to watch the engine hanging.  Got it hung in pretty short order but then remembered we needed a big washer on the engine side of the Lord Mounts on the bottom bolts so off it came and on it went one more time.  With a taildragger you start with the top bolts.  With an A model you should start with the bottom bolts.  Torque them fully and then go for the top bolts.


Got it hung and tried to spin on the oil filter.  Nope.  The 1.4 inch B&C adaptor is not correct for this installation which includes the B&C SD-30 standby alternator on the vacuum pad.  We need the 3/4″ adaptor instead.  Mounted the Whirlwind spinner kit so that we can get the cowling fitted.  One note: the oil pressure port should point to about 210 degrees before hanging the engine.  Connected a few more items and called it a day.  Now the fun begins, riveting on the F-821-PP skin and then fiberglass work begins.  Sweet.  Thanks Pops and David for all the help.


 Posted by at 4:36 PM