
This is my second RV, the first being an RV-7A first flown in 2005 and sold in 2012.

Apr 142014

Spent some time figuring out where and how many wiring runs have to be drilled in through the center section.  If you have drawing OP-11 – RV-8/8A Wiring Harness Instalation it clearly shows the holes for the rudder cables, rear battery cable passthrough and two additional 3/4″ holes for wire runs.  Somehow I managed to find a copy of OP-11 floating on the internet.  I’m not using Vans wiring harness but I do want to know where they suggest to place holes through the center section.  When the holes get enlarged to 3/4″ they are very close to the spars.  Measure 50 times and drill once.  Right Rear – 2″ up and 1/2″ left.


Left Front – 2 and 5/16″ up and 1/2″ right.  I had not yet drilled the battery cable pass through hole.


Right Front Left Hole – 2″ up and 3″ left, Right Hole – 2 and 5/16″ up and 1/2″ left.


Left Rear – Both holes 2″ up and 1/2″ and 3″ right.


You can see that you don’t want to be low when drilling these holes.


 Posted by at 4:32 PM